New Project

Water System Asset Management Program: Are we there yet?

With the administrative rules still being updated and modified, it’s difficult to keep up with the changes that are taking place. During our webinar you’ll learn what the rules are for now and where the current rules stand in the adoption process, the timeframe for implementation of the final rules, and how an Asset Management Program, regardless of the final rules, can help you better operate and manage your water system.


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dave mccallops portrait

Dave McCallops

Director of Water Resources

Dave has ten years of experience in inspections and conditions assessment of stormwater infrastructure. He is a municipal engineer specializing in water and wastewater resources, transportation, and civil engineering project management. Dave has managed projects including watershed planning, stormwater management, green infrastructure, wastewater collection and treatment, water distribution and treatment, sanitary sewage pumping stations, new and existing roadway improvements, intersection improvements, signalization and building expansions and upgrades. He has experience with the municipal process including planning, financing, public participation, and construction standards for all types of municipal infrastructure projects.
