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Meet the Team

Green and Blue Infrastructure

By our very nature, Environmental Design Group is devoted to clean water and the environment. Green and Blue Infrastructure can play a critical role in making communities more resilient while providing key co-benefits such as beautification and urban renewal.

Meet the Team


Meet the Team

Green and Blue Infrastructure elements are not only pretty landscapes, but are highly engineered, functional pieces of infrastructure to clean surface water, promote groundwater recharge, and improve hydraulics in our lakes and streams. Green and Blue Infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, manufactured materials, and prescriptive management to mimic mother nature in a cost-effective, resilient, attractive manner. It is rain runoff resiliency, floodplain wetlands, stream bank stabilization, dam repairs, dam OMI/EAP, stormwater master planning, NPS-IS & watershed planning, canals/ditch management, stream restoration, floodplain management, pond water quality management, regional stormwater management measures, green streets, and operations/maintenance of stormwater control measures.


Our innovative technologies and new approaches consider funding, functionality, permitting, community support, flood control, and long term maintenance to achieve project goals.

Green and Blue Infrastructure Services

CSO And Flood Control
Wetlands and Streams
Surface Water Modeling and Design


A Dam Blog About Compliance and Reducing Your dam Fee

We can’t help you save 15% on your insurance, but we can help you save 10% on your annual dam fee!

When Size Matters: A green and Complete Street Retrofit Case Study

For anyone who has constructed green infrastructure in a roadway right of way, identifying opportunities within the spaghetti system of utilities can keep you awake at night.