Diverse talents and many years of experience.

We can assist with right sizing a project to fit the client’s need and budget.
Roadway Planning and Design
Our team provides an array of roadway engineering services for clients ranging from townships to Ohio Department of Transportation and airports. No matter the client, Environmental Design Group’s roadway planning and design team can assist with rightsizing a project to fit the client’s need and budget.
Collaborating with our internal surveying, environmental, and GIS disciplines, we not only have experience, but diversity in skillsets among our diverse team of experts. We are trusted partners with the ODOT, county engineers, local cities and villages, and other public and private agencies.
Roadway Planning and Design Services
- Access Management
- Roadway and Intersection Design
- Roundabout Design
- Safety Improvements
- Complete and Green Street Design
- Highway and Interchange Improvements
- Maintenance of Traffic Phasing
- Multimodal Maintenance of Traffic
- Pavement Preservation Programming
- Resurfacing Plans
- Complex Drainage Studies
- Storm Sewer and Drainage Infrastructure
- Traffic, Safety, and Road Diet Studies
- Traffic Signal Design
- Utility Coordination