We provide an “over the shoulder” review.

Things that matter to the client are carried through and incorporated into the final contract documents.
Our preconstruction services are geared toward the evaluation and review of construction contract documents (plans) from an owner’s perspective, to reduce construction cost, project risk, and long-term maintenance issues.
We provide an “over the shoulder” review of plan details and material quantities while emphasizing constructability and issues related to MOT (maintenance of traffic) phasing, scheduling, utility relocation coordination, environmental impacts, anticipated construction means and methods, and general project coordination with other local entities. We will develop an action plan after understanding the owner’s priorities and work to see that the things that matter to the client are incorporated into the final contract documents. Preconstruction services can result in significant savings by eliminating or minimizing change orders and project delays. These services are often eligible for reimbursement through the LPA process on federally funded projects.
Preconstruction Services
- Construction Administration
- Contract Document Development
- Construction Oversight
- Dispute Resolution
- Documentation and Quality Control
- ODOT Prequalified Staff
- Preconstruction Services
- Stakeholder Communication