Staff Certifications: Professional Wetland Scientist, Certified Arborist
ODOT Prequalified for Ecological Studies
Trained in Ohio EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland assessment methods
Wetland Delineation and Ecological Studies
Natural functioning ecosystems are crucial to watersheds, native species, and even human health. We understand the need to restore and enhance resources can be hindered by fiscal constraints. We combine our expertise in the sciences with the practical aspects of project development to limit costs.
Our team of ecologists are experienced in wetland delineation, stream assessments,
vegetation assessments, and tree surveys. Our team prepares native species planting plans, and conducts construction observations during tree clearing, restoration planting, and maintenance activities. We support projects with a variety of site-specific surveys to address protected species and habitats. Our staff has been approved by state and federal agencies for investigation of various flora and faunal groups, including freshwater mussels.
Wetland Delineation and Ecological Studies Services
- Wetland and Surface Water Delineation
- Wetland Quality Assessment (ORAM and VIBI)
- Stream Quality Assessment (HHEI and QHEI)
- Habitat Identification and Mapping
- Listed Species Suitable Habitat Assessments
- Bat Habitat Assessments
- Mussel Reconnaissance Surveys
- Floristic Surveys
- Tree Surveys
- Wetland and Stream Restoration and Enhancement Design
- Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Design
- Terrestrial Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Design
- Invasive Species Management
- Long-Term Maintenance Recommendations
- Plant Selection and Planting Design