
Westlake, Ohio


A final report was produced documenting the planning process, route priorities, implementation costs for each segment and funding strategies that identified grants and other financing options.

Westlake City-Wide Bike Plan

Environmental Design Group was the lead firm responsible for conducting a study for the creation of a bike route plan in and around the city.

A thorough network of roads and sidewalks connects the City of Westlake. While its roadway infrastructure offers a transportation advantage to motor vehicles, it does not sufficiently provide transportation opportunities to others – especially bicyclists, and the city set out to change that.

A primary objective throughout the bike route planning process was to connect bicyclists to local destinations such as Crocker Park, schools and parks. It included regional points of interest such as Cleveland Metroparks Bradley Woods, Huntington Beach and Rocky River Reservation. Numerous stakeholders contributed their input at public meetings as the plan evolved.