
Green, Ohio


Site design for the City of Green administration building leveraged site features to best expose visitors to its unique natural assets. Overall aesthetics were also enhanced while accommodating for optimal building functionality and use.

Green Administration Building

The City of Green and the Green Local School District partnered to develop a new, 53,600-square-foot facility that houses all of the City and school administrative offices.

Working in conjunction with Hasenstab Architects, Inc., Environmental Design Group was responsible for the site master planning, landscape architecture, and civil engineering for the new $8.2-million City of Green Administration Building located at the end of Town Park Center Road in the City of Green, Ohio. Features of the plan include the careful planning and positioning of the building and site features on the 8-acre property to:

  • Protect sensitive natural areas and wetlands
  • Seamlessly integrate entry canopy with site design by including an entry plaza
  • Create a welcoming entrance and enhance overall aesthetics by pedestrian-friendly access to its main entry
  • Enable unobstructed views to its pond by locating the 150-car parking lot on the facility’s side as opposed to the front
  • Allow for the planning of extensive landscaping throughout the site, including the pond edge