
Akron, Ohio


This project will provide similar CSO control to a 1.5 MG concrete basin as identified in the City of Akron’s Consent Decree for CSO abatement. It will also improve water quality in local rivers and streams.

City of Akron Aqueduct Complete and Green Street Design

This Green and Complete Street along, with upsized underflow pipe to Akron’s Water Reclamation Facility will control 1.5 MG of combined sewer overflows, provides a more beneficial environmental impact all within a shorter timeframe with a decrease in costs to rate payers.

The City of Akron is currently implementing the requirements set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Consent Decree (CD), of which this project is a part of. Aqueduct Street is one of the first streets in Akron that was replaced with a “complete, livable and green street” design. The 1.14 miles long street includes 1.11 acres of green infrastructure capable of absorbing an estimated 525,000 gallons of stormwater annually – all within the right-of-way. Detailed design includes full depth street reconstruction with high flow rate bioretention bump-outs, high flow rate bioretention bump-ins, rain gardens, infiltration basins, dry wells, infiltration chambers, and high flow rate pervious pavement parking stalls. Each treatment train (generally a street block) is hydrologically connected underground. Street catch basins act as overflow for each treatment trains, providing multiple points of control for storm events.