Meet the Impact Makers
Our growing team works together to serve our communities, people and the environment. We do what we love, and that’s the vibe we maintain in each office.
Brent Graham
Senior Right-of-Way Professional
Brent has experience in transportation negotiation, title research, value analyses, closings and surveying. He has extensive experience with ODOT and LPA right of way acquisition practices and procedures. His degrees are in Urban and Regional Planning and Environmental Earth Science, with a GIS certificate from Miami University. He also has extensive experience monitoring of engineered fill placement, analysis of drilling samples, ACI testing certified, environmental monitoring of sewerage systems. Brent enjoys genealogical and historical research, along with multiple other interests.
Hobby:Genealogy, music, history, document research, art, gardening, research
Season:Late fall or early spring
Happy Place:Our property
Cartoon Character:Bugs Bunny, Tazmanian Devil, Stewie Griffith, The Brain, Butters Stotch
Color:Dark Blue/Black/Vermilion