Grants and Funding
Grants, low interest loans, loan forgiveness programs, and donor strategies are great ways for your community, county, park district, or non-profit to do more with less. It can help bridge the gap between your budget needs and your constituents' wants.

Meet the Team

Meet the Team
As local funds shrink, agencies are strongly encouraged to apply for competitive grants and low or no interest loans. But what happens if you promise too much, ask for too little, or the project scope balloons? Developing a successful grant application takes knowledge, skill and experience, not only with the type of project, but also with the grant agency's priorities, assumptions, quirks, and long-term maintenance requirements.
There is no such thing as free money. Grant funders have goals, timelines and design criteria they are required to meet. Our team knows the ins and out of the funders’ goals and objectives and has the expertise to align the available funding with your agency’s priorities. Contact us to discuss potential funding sources with a quick Grant Assessment. This quick consultation can save hundreds of person-hours and potentially prevent the undesirable action of returning a grant once future obligations are understood or simply missing a grant deadline in the ever-changing grants and funding world.
Grants and Funding Services
Ohio Grants: Funding Opportunity Resources
The following information provides resources for grant funds posted by State of Ohio agencies.
Nuances of Grant Funding
As local funds shrink, agencies are strongly encouraged to apply for competitive grants and low interest loans. But, what happens if you promise too much, ask for too little or the project scope balloons? Utilizing existing staff to