
Medina, Ohio


We addressed outstanding ODNR concerns with the current condition of the dam, verified that the selected spillway design alternative meets current dam safety design standards, and gave the Owner an implementable plan to monitor the condition and function of the dam to keep the dam in compliance with ONDR dam safety standards.

Salerno Lake Dam Engineering

Salerno Lake Dam, located in Medina County, Ohio, is a privately owned Class I Dam that has ODNR remedial measures that must be implemented immediately. ODNR expressed concerns with the presence of a cabin located within the emergency spillway and the ability of the spillway to contain the required design flood discharges without flow overtopping the earthen embankment.

Our team performed an evaluation of the capacity of a revised emergency spillway configuration with the cabin remaining in place and the capacity of the existing spillway configuration with the cabin removed. This allowed the owner to evaluate the costs and impacts of each spillway alternative. We also prepared engineer repair plans to address the removal of the cabin, erosion and slippage on the toe of the embankment, repair of the toe drain system, restoration of the embankment crest, and repairs to the principal spillway. Lastly, we completed dam failure modeling and inundation mapping for an Emergency Action Plan, and prepared an Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Manual.