
Aurora, Ohio


Once the project is complete, the sources of inflow and infiltration will have been identified and removed from the sanitary sewer system and the rain-induced wastewater flow will be reduced.

Old Allotment I/I Study

Environmental Design Group provided field investigation, flow monitoring, CCTV investigation, review of complaint records, and review of past testing completed by the City of Aurora as a part of the initial investigation. Our team will utilize the information obtained during the initial investigation phase to recommend improvements to the sanitary sewer system.

The City of Aurora operates two wastewater treatment plants, Westerly and Central. In 2015, the City of Aurora commissioned an optimization study to improve efficiency and address maintenance concerns for both plants. The study was undertaken by a consultant and a Final Report was delivered to the City in 2017.

One of the recommended projects was an investigation for inflow and infiltration (I/I) in the Aurora Land Company/Old Allotment Area which flows to the Central wastewater treatment plant. The City of Aurora wanted to undertake a phased plan to investigate I/I in the Aurora Land Company/Old Allotment sanitary sewer system. The initial work will involve flow monitoring and preliminary investigations to determine possible sources of inflow and infiltration in this section of the sanitary sewer system and recommend further investigations.